What is a Saturn Return and how can we handle it without going totally crazy? ✨
In this episode, I’m giving you the full lowdown on what a Saturn Return means, what it tends to do to us, and most importantly, how you can deal with it without becoming completely overwhelmed as most people do.
- How Saturn affects our lives at all times even if we’re not currently experiencing a Saturn Return or a Saturn transit
- What a “return” is, when it happens, and how it tests us
- What can happen during a Saturn Return or major Saturn transit and how it can change your life and turn you into a more mature, responsible hard working adult
- How to find and decode what Saturn means in your own personal birth chart
- The deeper soul-level karmic meaning of a Saturn Return
- How Saturn in Capricorn is affecting us all as a collective right now
- The gifts that come from working with Saturn in the long run
- How to navigate the stress and overwhelm that Saturn brings to our lives with grace

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Show Notes:
- Order a beautiful custom design of your birth chart here
- Book a Career Alchemy Session to dive deeper with me to learn more about when your Saturn Return will happen and how to navigate it
- Become a member of our Cosmic Calling Community and receive extra bonus features by going to soulshineastrology.com/community
- Enjoy this episode? Leave a review on the Apple Podcasts app and e-mail a screenshot to info@soulshineastrology.com to receive 10% off an astrology reading or report.

Bonus Resource:
Download this cheat sheet to understand which area of life your Saturn is challenging you to get on top of by becoming a member of our Cosmic Calling Community.