Astrology Workshop

Career Astrology: Find Your Cosmic Calling with Natalie Walstein

Whether you’re feeling confused about your career or already love what you’re doing and would love to understand yourself on a deeper spiritual level, astrology can help you dive beneath the surface of your thoughts and feelings and tap into your soul’s plan for this lifetime. 

Join career astrologer Natalie Walstein for a simple yet soulful introduction to your astrology chart and how you can use it to find your ideal career path 💫


Sunday, April 28th
1:00 - 3:30 pm

at SAVON in Hawaii Kai

You will learn:

  • How to look up your astrology chart online (and actually understand it!)
  • How to use your chart to get crystal clarity around your career/business and what you really need to feel most fulfilled in all areas of your life
  • How to look up anyone’s chart (including clients, customers, and loved ones) to help them tap into their higher potential, too!


Please bring a tablet, phone, or laptop so you can look up your birth chart online along with us in the class.

You will also receive a copy of Natalie’s book, Find Your Cosmic Calling, so you can take what you learn in the class and go look up the astrology chart of everyone in your life! (Warning: It’s addicting AF.)

It’s OK if you don’t know your exact time of birth, but it would be ahh-mazing if you could try to find out before the class so that your chart will be as accurate as possible!

About Your Instructor

As a Career Astrologer at Soulshine Astrology, Natalie Walstein blends ancient wisdom with modern, down-to-earth guidance to help creative souls and spiritual seekers discover their cosmic calling and align their life + career with the cosmos.

Since 2016, she has helped thousands of people find their ideal careers using the power of the stars through 1-on-1 readings & classes. She is the host of the podcast The Cosmic Calling and the author of Find Your Cosmic Calling: A Guide to Discovering Your Life’s Work with Astrology (2022, Fair Winds Press).